Thursday, July 3, 2014

July Overnight Oatmeal Challenge Day#1 and Day#2

I did not plan to do this ahead, it just somehow happen to be that I am very overwhelmed when I first see the idea. I am not a fan of oatmeal at all but I am just dazed at the idea of overnight oatmeal (thanks to beautifully presented photos on pinterest), the whole mason jar, greek yogurt, almond milk, chia seeds and colorful berries just give me the assumption of healthy, delicious breakfast and it makes me feel like I should really try it someday.

Well, I didn't take long to try it but living in Taiwan and I don't read much Chinese I can't get most of the ingredients needed, there is no mason jar, no greek yogurt, no almond milk, extremely rare and overpriced chia seeds but curiosity kills me like a cat. Hence, I tried it with some simple, cheaper and accessible ingredients.

To my surprise, I really like it, I remember hating oatmeal when I was young, I had the memory of oatmeal tasted like glue, no offense, yes tasted like glue, slimy and bland. I know its healthy but I really don't like it that much. I guess, I have changed over time.

Its all come down to creativity to make oatmeal delicious, after eating my first overnight oatmeal I am surprised that the oatmeal absorbed all the flavor from the fruits and how the fruits remain its texture and it is really delicious especially eaten cold in the hot summer.

Hence, I started my July overnight oatmeal challenge, I am not sure how well I am going to do or how committed I am or how many ideas I have for this but hopefully this gets me going.
Sorry for the lack of quality or not appealing photos, I didn't make this for eyes its for my tummy, these are all taken from my lousy phone and already heavily filtered to enhance the appearance.

Day #1

Apple, peach and cinnamon oatmeal with soy milk topped with 7 maple syrup coated cashew nuts.

The truth is I don't even remember the recipe, I just put in whatever I think is right, add in soy milk and give it a good stir and shake before putting it in the refrigerator overnight and it came out perfectly alright. 

 Day #2

Chocolate banana oatmeal.

This one is rather simpler yet very enjoyable, it is always a very good combination. 

Optimistically believing that I could really do this challenge and hopefully with no repeat!

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